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Page 4

  “Already taken care of.”

  “You arranged for me to live off campus and keep my scholarship?”

  He held out his arms like he could do anything. I was beginning to think he could.

  “What about Braeden?” I asked.

  “What about him?” Romeo shrugged.

  “Does he know about this?”

  “Not yet. But he’ll move in. There’s no way he’ll let you two live by yourself.”

  Ah, so he was moving in a bodyguard in the form of my big bro.

  “You’ll be here a lot, too.” My teeth sank into my lower lip as that homesick feeling turned my tummy. “Won’t you?”

  He rushed across the room and took my face in his hands. “Every chance I get.”

  “Okay.” I sighed. The warmth from his palms seeped into my cheeks and made my eyes heavy.

  He made a whooping sound, lifting me off my feet and tossing me on the bed. I sank into the blankets instantly and sighed.

  “Is this our bed?” I asked, really hoping it was.

  “You like?”


  “Then, yes.” He lowered himself so he was lying on top of me.

  “How did you have time to do all this today?” I asked, running my fingers through his hair.

  “Bed was already here. I just went out and bought all the stuff that goes on it. Mattress cover, sheets, blankets, pillows…”

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  His eyes crinkled at the corners. “I was gonna fill the room with candles, but I really thought you’d be a lot harder to convince, and I was running out of time.”

  “It’s perfect.” I sighed and pulled him close. “I really do love this house,” I said against his neck.

  “Thank fuck,” he murmured and pulled back. “I was afraid you’d be pissed I picked out our house without you.”

  “As long as you’re here, the rest is just details.”

  He kissed me.

  “Of course,” I said when he pulled back, “you do have really good taste.”

  “Hells yeah.”

  “How much did this cost you, Romeo?”

  “Doesn’t matter. You already said you’d live here.”

  I groaned. That meant way too much.

  “Should we call B?” I asked. “Ivy?”

  He shook his head slow, the blue in his eyes filling with desire. “Later.”


  “I got one week in this house with you, baby. We need to fill it with pieces of us so when I leave, it already feels like home.”

  “You are my home, Romeo.”

  He kissed me repeatedly. In between each one, he spoke. “First the bed.” Kiss. “Then maybe the hallway.” Kiss. “The kitchen for sure.” Kiss. “The living room…”

  I moved restlessly beneath him, the hard length of his cock teasing me as we kissed.

  “Even before we move in the furniture, you’re gonna see me in every room.”

  “Romeo.” I groaned and wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “Welcome home, baby,” he whispered against my lips.

  “Welcome home,” I whispered back.

  We didn’t speak again for a long time.

  # # #

  Hashtag Series Bonus Scene #3

  Starring the Fab Four

  by Cambria Hebert

  This scene takes place one month after Nova is born.

  *Brand new scene—exclusive to #Hookup!


  Nervous energy skittered around the interior of the car like a basket of bouncy balls that had been dropped onto a hard surface.

  I dared a quick glance away from the road to Ivy, who was riding shotgun. There was a tissue clutched in her hand, but her eyes were dry. At least she wasn’t crying.

  That was something, yes?

  A couple tears spilled over when we first backed out of the garage and then drove through the gates of the property, but beyond that, none had fallen. Her face was drawn, though, her forehead wrinkled and eyes wide.

  I didn’t point out the tight grip she used on the poor tissue or the fact that her knee was bobbing up and down so fast it actually made me a little car sick to look at it.

  She caught me giving her a worried look and tried to smile. “I’m fine. Really.”

  That was a lie, and we both knew it.

  I wasn’t fine, and Nova was only my niece. I couldn’t even imagine how hard it was for Ivy to leave her little baby for the first time ever.

  Granted, it was only a short little time out. A chance to get out of the house and “relax.” I had to admit, though, this was frankly the furthest thing from relaxing.

  The drive to the boutique Ivy used to practically run over by the Alpha U campus was longer than it used to be since we didn’t live so close to the university. We were silent most of the way. Ivy checked her phone (which was also in a death grip), and I kept glancing at the dash, calculating how long we’d been gone.

  When the familiar street finally came into view, both of us let out an audible sigh of relief. Our eyes darted to each other, and then we both started to giggle.

  “Who would have thought that getting me to go shopping would be such a hardship?” Ivy quipped.

  I giggled. “It’s definitely not something I would have ever predicted.”

  “She changed me,” Ivy confided as I drove past the boutique and the full parking along the street. “Having Nova completely realigned my life.”

  “I know. You’re such a good mom to her.” I agreed and pulled into a parking lot at the corner of the block.

  Once the Range Rover was parked, I turned toward her. Ivy was different now, calmer than she used to be. More… confident in herself. Most people would probably think that was the stupidest thing they ever heard. Ivy not confident? *scoff*

  But that was what people beyond our family didn’t understand. They didn’t get to see her many layers and all the details I’d learned about her since the day we’d moved into the same dorm room.

  Ivy was gorgeous, always pulled together, bubbly, popular, and well liked. The YouTube channel she started was gaining popularity fast because she had the kind of personality that drew people in.

  No one would have guessed she wasn’t always so confident, that a lot of it was a screen for her vulnerabilities.

  Marrying Braeden and then giving birth to Nova seemed to bring her into herself more. It was just like she said. Her life was realigned now. Other people (outside our family) didn’t factor in so much, and not caring about that was freeing for her.

  “Do you miss shopping? Working at the boutique and getting out?” I asked gently. Since having Nova a little over a month ago, she’d barely left the compound.

  Frankly, I hadn’t either. With Romeo and Braeden away more than half that time due to games (which B was very growly about), the only place I went was to work and the grocery store. The rest of my time was at home with Ivy and Nova.

  Babies were a lot of work, and I got a serious crash course in taking care of one.

  Ivy made a sound. “Sometimes,” she said honestly. “But not nearly as much as I thought I might. When Nova’s a little older, I’ll go out more and take her with me.”

  I grinned. “You never know. B and Romeo might be having the time of their life.”

  Ivy made a rude sound. “I still can’t believe we left her alone with them.” Her lower lip wobbled. “I miss her.”

  I reached across the seat and patted her hand. “Why don’t you call them before we go inside?”

  Ivy already had B’s number pulled up on her phone screen. The second I made the suggestion, she hit the call button and then put on the speaker.

  “It’s been twenty minutes, Blondie,” B answered, his voice exasperated.

  “What’s wrong?” Ivy perked up instantly.

  “Wrong?” Braeden wondered. “Why do you think something’s wrong?”

  “You sound upset.” She worried, wringing her hands and glancing at me.
r />   My brother made a rude sound. “I’m upset you think I can’t handle my own daughter for twenty minutes.”

  “But I miss her!” Ivy wailed instantly, her voice breaking. Unshed tears spilled over, and she lifted the tissue to her eyes instantly.

  Braeden let out a low string of curses.

  “Not in front of the baby!” we both yelled.

  “Romeo is holding her,” Braeden informed us.

  “Why aren’t you holding her?” Ivy demanded. “Is she okay?”

  Braeden made a sound. His tone was defensive when he spoke. “Do you think I’d just hand her off to Rome if she wasn’t?”

  In the background, Romeo called out, “She’s fine!”

  “I handed her to him because you were calling me.” B pointed out.

  “Oh,” Ivy said, sniffling. “Of course.”

  Braeden sighed rather loudly. I could almost picture him rubbing his hand over his face. “Baby, are you crying?”

  “No,” Ivy wailed, and it was totally not convincing.

  “You know I don’t like it when you cry,” he grumbled, his voice no longer angry. “She’s fine. I swear. All she’s done is sleep.”

  “What if she thinks I abandoned her?” Ivy’s voice was small as she dabbed at her eyes.

  I held my breath, hoping Braeden kept his sarcastic wisecracks inside for once. He seemed to understand she was truly distraught because his voice remained gentle. “I already told her you’d be back after you got some pretty outfits for Aunt Rimmel to wear for the press.”

  “You did?”

  “Of course I did, baby.”

  “Did Romeo tell her, too?”

  There was a pregnant pause on the other end of the line. “Of course he told her.”

  “Hells yeah,” Romeo called out.

  What a bunch of liars. Ha! I didn’t bother calling them out, though, because Ivy seemed content to believe Romeo was indeed telling Nova all about her mother.

  In actuality, they were probably telling her all about football. And to never date.

  “If you need anything—” She began, but B cut her off.

  “We’re fine, Ives. I got this. She’s like a tiny baby. Hell, Prada is bigger than her. Me and Rome can handle one little baby.”

  Ivy glanced at me, and I rolled my eyes.

  “You’re with her twenty-four-seven, and I barely get to see her. It’s Daddy time. Now go buy a bunch of shit you don’t need and let me have my daughter for a couple hours.”

  “Well, okay.” She agreed reluctantly.

  He made a gruff sound. “Good.”

  “See ya later, princess!” Romeo called out in the background. My heart thumped just a little quicker at the sound of his voice.

  “Bye,” Ivy said, still gripping the phone like she was dialing 9-1-1.

  I almost started the car up and went home. I could just wear what I had to my upcoming appearances with Romeo. It wasn’t like I actually cared anyway.

  “Baby.” Braeden’s smooth, low voice filled the car. Ivy’s hand tightened, then relaxed around the phone.


  “I love you.”

  Her eyes closed for long moments. When she reopened them, they were no longer filled with tears. “I love you, too.”

  “I’ll call if I need anything.” He assured, trying to make her feel better. Then in true Braeden style, he just had to add, “But I won’t. Babies are easy!”

  He disconnected the line, and Ivy glanced up at me. “He’s such a moron.”

  “I can’t say I disagree.”

  Ivy grinned. “I do love him, though.”

  My lips curved up. That call with my BBFL did just the trick to make her feel better. As idiotic as B and Romeo were, they were also reliable, solid, and entirely lovable. They had a way of always knowing when to reassure us.


  “Of course,” she chirped. “Suddenly, I feel like buying something. I mean, it’s been forever since I’ve bought anything that wasn’t online.”

  “Well then,” I announced as we both got out of the car, “let’s go!”

  # # #


  How the hell did something so tiny make so much chaos?

  Not even five minutes after B hung up the phone with Ivy, all hell broke loose.

  Or rather… little Nova made a liar out of her daddy and uncle. Not that we would admit defeat.

  Hells no.

  We were two grown men. Two big football players who took tackles, won NFL games, and could bench press more than our own weight.

  A baby was nothing.

  “Why won’t she stop crying, man?” Braeden stressed.

  He was pacing in front of the fireplace, holding the tiny bundle against his chest, gingerly supporting her, bouncing her lightly. His palm was larger than her head, but damn did she have a set of lungs on her.

  I was standing nearby, too agitated to even sit on the couch. Rubbing a hand over the back of my neck, I glanced at her. She was wiggly and screaming in his arms.

  “Maybe she needs a new diaper,” I suggested.

  Braeden lifted her and smelled her bottom. “Nah. She’s good.”

  The baby continued to cry, becoming more insistent. I watched B turn her around in his arms, cradling her against his chest so he could stare down into her face. I couldn’t help but notice the bead of sweat of his forehead.

  “Hey now,” he crooned, trying not to sound stressed the hell out. “Tell Daddy what’s the matter.”

  Nova paused for just a fraction at the sound of his voice before turning her head and screaming some more.

  “What the hell did you do to her, Rome!” B demanded, pinning me with a glare.

  “Me!” I gasped.

  “She was fine ‘til I let you hold her!” He accused.

  “Women love me,” I refuted. To prove the point, I went over to stand directly in front of her. I leaned down and caressed her cheek with my finger. Nova turned toward it like she wanted to eat it.

  “She’s hungry!” Braeden surmised.

  “Ivy did say something about a bottle.” I remembered.

  Between us, Nova screamed some more.

  “Get the bottle, man!” B said, totally stressing out.

  I rushed to the kitchen. I pulled a bottle out of the fridge and turned to rush back to the living room, but B was coming into the kitchen with the fussing baby.

  “Here.” I thrust it at him.

  B took it and frowned. “This is cold. I’m not feeding my kid cold milk!”

  “Put it in the micro?” I asked.

  B shrugged. We went toward the microwave and popped it open to put the bottle inside. The second the door sprang open, we saw a huge note hanging in the opening.

  DO NOT put a bottle in here.

  “Why the hell not?” I wondered.

  Braeden growled and retreated to the fridge where Ivy had hung a long list of directions we told her we didn’t need.

  Braeden scanned them while trying to shush the baby.

  “Hold my daughter, Rome,” he said, propelling her at me. “And don’t make her cry worse.”

  I took her, gently folding her against my chest. Her face was turning red and her little fists were shaking. “Man, you better do something,” I told him.

  “Hey there, princess,” I told her softly. “We’re gonna get you a nice bottle.”

  Across the room, Braeden had plugged in some appliance that you set the bottle in and it gently warmed it.

  “How do you know when it’s done?” B asked after what felt like forever.

  I was rocking the baby back and forth. She was making so much racket Prada and Darcy (Rim’s adoptive dog) were sitting at my feet with their ears pulled back, staring up at the baby.

  A loud beeping filled the room, and B lunged at the bottle. He grabbed it up and carried it over. The outside was damp.

  “Here,” he said, thrusting it at me.

  “Check it on your wrist,” I told him. “Ivy does th

  “Fuck,” B muttered and then dumped out a few drops on the inside of his wrist. He made a face. “It ain’t that hot.”

  Nova gave a yell.

  “Maybe she likes it like that,” I suggested.

  My nerves were frayed. One of the dogs whined.

  B reached for his daughter, and I surrendered her willingly. The second the nipple touched her lips, she latched on, and silence permeated the room.

  “That gives a new definition to the word hangry,” I muttered.

  Braeden didn’t say anything. He was too intent on Nova, making sure her head was supported and he was holding the bottle right. The dogs started dancing around our feet, and then Murphy sauntered into the kitchen.

  “This place is a zoo,” I muttered. “C’mon! Out!” I told the dogs, sliding open the doors to the back deck. Both Darcy and Prada just stood there and stared at me.

  “Out,” I growled.

  Darcy lay down.

  A black blur darted past me, making me do a double take.

  “Murphy!” I roared. The damn cat ran outside! “Fuck!” I swore as I lunged after him. If this cat ran off, Rimmel would be devastated. She’d never forgive me.

  And even though I’d never say it out loud, I would be pretty wrecked, too. Rim and I bonded over Murphy. It was in the shelter where I first felt the stirrings of love for her. Seeing her with the one-eyed cat in her lap and my hoodie around her body was a picture I would never, ever forget.

  Murphy leapt up on the railing of the deck and stared down.

  “No!” I growled, menacing. “Murphy!”

  His black body flinched, and he crouched down. Cautiously, I approached. Then all at once, I pounced on him.

  He gave a great meow when I pulled him into my chest. His claws dug into my T-shirt and pricked the skin on my chest.

  “I thought we were bros,” I told him. “You trying to get me in trouble?”

  He started purring.

  I wasn’t about to fall for it.

  I went back inside and didn’t put him down ‘til the door was firmly shut. The dogs acted like I’d just got home from an away game, wiggling and leaping all around my feet.

  I picked up a nearby toy, gave it a squeak, and threw it into the living room.

  They ran off, sounding like a heard of elephants, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Not two seconds later, the sound of something crashing to the floor out in the room filled my ears.