#Heart (Hashtag #6) Read online

Page 20

  “And who are you wearing tonight?”

  “Calvin Klein. Vintage. Shoes are by Vera Wang.”

  “Would you ladies mind if I took a few pictures? On the record, of course.”

  “Of course,” I said and smiled. I wished I could kick off these god-awful heels and hide in a corner for a while.

  But I wasn’t going to do that.

  Instead, I asked Ivy how my hair was while Rachel signaled to a photographer whose job was likely to follow her around and take pictures on demand.

  I rose up to my full height (which was pretty dang good with these heels!) and smiled, tipping my chin the way Ivy taught me and posing one foot slightly in front of the other.

  After she got pictures of my dress from what seemed like every angle, I slyly pulled Ivy in and got a few pictures with her.

  “You know Ivy’s dating a former Alpha U football player who was recently accepted into the draft for the NFL,” I said.

  “Braeden Walker?” Rachel said.

  I smiled because she already knew his name. Ivy beamed proudly. “That’s him. He’s around here somewhere, likely with Romeo.”

  “Rimmel, would you mind if we got a few pictures of you and Romeo together?”

  “Of course.” I lied. “I’m not real sure where he’s gotten to.” And like magic, he appeared.

  “Ladies.” His smooth voice cut into the moment. I sighed and my body relaxed. I hadn’t even realized I’d been tense. “Does everyone have everything they need?”

  Rachel wasn’t immune to Romeo’s power, and she was momentarily struck silent. I glanced at Ivy and suppressed a giggle.

  “Congratulations on your engagement, Mr. Anderson.” Rachel started.

  “Romeo.” He corrected politely.

  “Romeo. And congratulations are also in order on your four-year contract with the Maryland Knights.”

  “Life’s pretty good right now.” He agreed.

  “Rachel is from People,” I explained to Romeo, and as I spoke, he leaned in closer to me and placed his hand on the small of my back. “They’d like a few pictures.”

  “Absolutely.” He nodded. It was like he wasn’t bothered at all. ‘Course, he was used to cameras in his face all the time. During the season when he wasn’t at home, he was photographed constantly.

  Rachel pointed to an area across the room where the pendants hung low enough they would be visible in the background. Instead of taking my hand or arm and leading me over to the spot, Romeo surprised everyone by sweeping me off my feet and holding me against his chest.

  Ivy hurriedly fussed around to make sure my dress was covering all the important parts, and the high-low hemline draped beautifully even in his arms.

  Everyone in the place stopped what they were doing and turned toward us. Laughter and whispers moved through the crowd, and Romeo turned on the full power of his smile, directing it toward Rachel. “Rim isn’t very good in heels. It’s safer for everyone if she travels this way.”

  Rachel was charmed and then snapped out of it and started barking orders at her cameraman to not miss a second.

  You’d think with all eyes on us, it would have been hard for me to smile and act like I didn’t mind the attention.

  But it wasn’t.

  All I had to do was look up at Romeo, and everyone else fell away.

  “You just had to do that, didn’t you?” I mused.

  “The cameras love us, baby. Gotta give the people what they want.”

  “How’s it going with B?” I asked as we stepped beneath the sparkling lights.

  “Real good. I’ll find him again once I’ve safely rescued you from the paparazzi.”

  “How’d you know I needed rescued?”

  He grinned down at me. “I didn’t. I just wanted an excuse to come over and touch you.”

  I cupped his face and sighed. “You never need an excuse.”

  He kissed me sweetly as we stood beneath the teardrop-shaped lights. Everyone started clapping, and I realized where we were.

  I jerked and would have fallen out of his arms if his reflexes weren’t so good. He stood me on my feet, and we posed for a couple pictures, and then Rachel started hinting around about the wedding details and exclusive photos.

  I let Romeo deftly handle that, and by the time she walked away, I had no doubt that within fifteen minutes, she’d realize she’d been completely dazzled and he never actually agreed to anything.

  Finally, blissfully, we were alone.

  Well, as alone as two people could be in a crowded room.

  For all of two seconds.

  “Rimmel!” Valerie said, stepping up to us. “There’s someone I would love to introduce you to.”

  Romeo met my eyes, and I knew exactly what he was thinking about. Our wedding. The night we stole just for us.

  I smiled and turned to his mother. “Of course.”

  Valerie led me off toward someone she thought might be interested in donating to the animal shelters, and Romeo went off in search of B.

  The next hour continued in pretty much the same pattern. We mingled, we smiled, and we posed for endless pictures. Occasionally, I would get a stolen moment with Ivy or with someone in our family, but they always seemed fleeting.

  Finally, the servers announced the dinner, and everyone made their way to their seats. Romeo and I were at a huge table with his parents, Braeden, Ivy, Braeden’s mom and her date, Drew, and Trent that was near the center of the room.

  The Knights players were at a couple tables beside us, along with another table for Ron Gamble and all the coaches and main staff for the team.

  The band still played, but it was a much softer melody that was actually kind of relaxing as I sat there and sipped at champagne.

  A few cameras went off close by and their flashes blinded me. Reflexively, I lifted my hand to shield my face from the bright disruption.

  “Mind giving us a break for a bit?” Romeo asked, his tone was friendly, but there was an unmistakable note of steel behind his words.

  “Sorry about that, Mr. Anderson,” one of them said, and Valerie jumped up to guide them away to a table she’d set up just for the vultures, providing a free meal.

  On one hand, I thought it was annoying she was catering to them, but on the other, the free food would keep them away for a least a little while.

  “You okay?” he asked, leaning in. His hand settled beneath the table over my thigh, and the feel of him was so welcome.

  “Yes,” I said, sheepish, and set down my glass. “Sorry, I dropped my guard a little with the soft music and champagne and forgot about them. They just startled me, but I’ll be ready for them next time.”

  He frowned a little and concern deepened his crazy blue eyes. “I don’t want you to have to be on guard all the time. That’s not the life I want for you.”

  I covered my hand with his and leaned forward, pressing our foreheads together. “I’m not on guard all the time. Just at your mother’s parties.”

  He smiled and the corners of his eyes crinkled as I stared into them.

  “Our life is perfect the way it is. I wouldn’t change it.”

  The sound of knives and forks hitting against glass created a light tinkling sound, and Romeo smiled. “They want you to kiss me.”

  I snorted, and the action made my head pull away from his, but I didn’t like that, so I reached up and grabbed the back of his neck to anchor myself against him once more.

  “They aren’t gonna stop ‘til you kiss me, Smalls.”

  The distance between us was already so minimal I barely had to move to touch my lips to his. He tasted like beer and I tasted like champagne, the two flavors melding to together to create an interesting cocktail.

  We dined on braised beef tips, wide egg noodles with some kind of really good sauce, roasted vegetables, and salad. There were also baskets of freshly sliced French bread going around. For dessert, we were served chocolate cheesecake with a white chocolate drizzle.

  I thought I’d be to
o nervous to eat, but that wasn’t the case.

  The first bite turned me into some kind of starved animal, and I ate almost everything they put in front of me. Thank God I managed not to spill any of it on my white gown.

  I didn’t feel bad about it, though, because Braeden plowed through his plate and then half of Ivy’s with so much gusto he actually attracted attention.

  “Hollow leg!” one of the Knights players yelled out, cupping his hands around his mouth as he hollered so it would carry over to our table.

  Romeo laughed and smacked Braeden, drawing his attention from his plate.

  “What?” B looked up, still chewing.

  I laughed, and Ivy looked toward the sky like she was asking for help from the heavens.


  “Looks like they’re already giving you nicknames,” Romeo scoffed.

  “What the fu—”

  Ivy gasped and slapped a hand over his mouth, her blue eyes wide with horror. “Watch your mouth. We’re at a formal event.”

  From the sparkle in B’s eyes and the look on Ivy’s face, I knew he licked her hand. To her credit, she didn’t pull away.

  “Behave,” she hissed before finally removing her hand and letting him speak.

  “Hollow leg got served!” said the player who was sitting next to the one who bestowed Braeden his new moniker (I was still trying to learn all their names when they weren’t wearing jerseys).

  Braeden made a face like he was about to spew forth a few other colorful words, but then he sighed and said, “What, pray tell, does hollow leg mean?”

  Pray tell?

  Where on earth did he come up with that?

  I gave Romeo a look, and he snickered.

  “Means you eat so much your leg must be hollow to hold it all!”

  The entire table of players laughed.

  Seriously. Is this how a bunch of grown men behaved together?

  “Gotta get my gains on if I want to pummel you in practice,” Braeden yelled and returned to eating.

  “We’ll see about that, rookie!”

  Braeden saluted them with his fork, and everyone at the table laughed and went back to eating.

  Romeo slapped B on the back. “Already part of the team.” He was looking at the table where Gamble and the coaches were. They’d been watching the exchange and now were talking quietly.

  “Don’t jinx me, Rome.” Braeden warned and pushed away the plate.

  “No more business talk,” Valerie leaned around me (she sat herself right beside me) and told the boys.

  Then she stood up and called the entire room to attention. She surprised me by giving a short speech, thanking everyone for traveling into town for the party, announcing an open bar for the rest of the night, and then making a toast to me and Romeo.

  She didn’t make anyone else get up and give a speech. Maybe she realized as best man, it would have been Braeden’s job, and one speech from him at the reception was more than enough.

  The band started playing louder, more lively music, and couples started to migrate toward the dance floor.

  I watched as Drew led a dark-haired girl out onto the floor and pulled her close for a slow song. Trent was talking to one of the Knights—I think his last name was Thomas—and from what I could hear, the topic of conversation was football. Big surprise there.

  Ivy excused herself to the ladies’ room, and I was just about to follow her (it’s true women do go to the ladies’ room in packs), when I caught the tail end of Romeo and Braeden’s conversation.

  “Relax, B. It’s going to work out,” Romeo was saying.

  “I like these guys, Rome, but we gotta be realistic. The odds aren’t good.”

  They were talking about the draft picks. I knew how badly they wanted to play on the same team, and I wished there was something I could do to help make that happen.

  Rachel Wintor was standing close by, talking with a man I hadn’t been introduced to. I didn’t know anything about football. I didn’t know anything about the world Romeo and I were venturing into, but I did know one thing.

  I’d learned it last year when Romeo got a contract because he became an underdog. He became a media darling.

  I concentrated on walking the way I was supposed to in these dumb heels and approached Rachel and her companion. They both turned toward me, smiling like I knew they would.

  It was a party in mine and Romeo’s honor after all.

  “Rachel,” I said warmly, trying my best to not sound awkward and my normal antisocial self. “I just wanted to thank you again for coming.”

  “Oh, the pleasure is all mine. This has been a wonderful party.” I was about to launch into my plan, but she kept on talking. “Rimmel, have you met Paul Carson? He’s the senior chief editor over at Brindle Publishing.”

  I extended my hand and smiled. “Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Carson. We are glad to have you here.”

  “I must say, Miss Hudson, the photographs we’ve printed in our magazines do not do you justice.”

  I felt myself blush, and I tried to not look like an idiot. “Thank you. So your company publishes magazines?”

  “Oh, yes,” Rachel gushed. “Brindle Publishing is an umbrella house. They handle many different types of publications.”

  I glanced back at Paul. “Sounds very diverse. Which magazines do you print?”

  “Mostly sports related. We have brands for every major sport here in the United States. Your fiancé has been quite the regular in our football themed magazine Kick Off.”

  I gasped. “I know that magazine! It’s all over our house. Romeo and Braeden read it like the Bible.”

  Paul laughed heartily, and I felt self-conscious. But then I remembered that’s why I was over here, and I smiled. “My other brother carries around a racing magazine…” I paused to think of the title. “GearShark,” I finally said.

  Paul chuckled. “That’s one of ours, too.”

  “Well, you’re very popular at our house.” I widened my eyes a bit like I just had a great idea.

  Clearly, I was learning a thing or two from Romeo.

  “I would love to introduce you both to my brother, Braeden Walker.” I glanced at Rachel. “I told you about him before.” She nodded, and I looked at Paul, trying to smile like Romeo when he wanted something. “And I have no doubt Braeden and Romeo both would love to meet the man behind their Bible.”

  “Who could say no to an offer like that?” Paul grinned and spread his arm out wide for me to lead the way.

  If good publicity, if popularity in the media helped get them jobs, then I would bring the media to Braeden… and lucky me, I had two people with lots of connections right here following behind me.

  And yes, I was innocent, but I wasn’t that innocent. I wasn’t about to believe if Braeden did get a spot on the Knights like we all hoped for, it would be because the media made him look good. I understood much more went into something like that.

  But it wouldn’t hurt.

  Good publicity was good for the Knights as a whole, and the more of a crowd their players drew in, the better.

  Romeo and Braeden were standing in a group with a few players and their parents when I approached. Romeo saw me first and smiled, but then his eyes went to the people behind me and he gave me a barely there quizzical look.

  I winked.

  “Braeden,” I said, angling myself in front of Romeo so I could get his attention.

  “Sis,” B answered, interrupting whatever he was saying to look at me.

  Quickly, I made the introductions and threw out a couple of his stats just because I knew them. If he knew what I was doing, he didn’t let on. He was as skilled as Romeo in that regard. Braeden was quite charming when he wanted to be, and years of playing for the Wolves taught him how to handle press.

  He took control of the conversation, and I slid back away from the three of them because I didn’t want to topic to somehow turn back to me or what I was wearing.

  When I turned completely away and faced
Romeo, I heard Braeden say, “That’s like a football Bible!”

  Paul and Rachel both laughed, and I gave myself a mental high-five.

  “Dance with me.” Romeo caught me around the waist and towed me onto the edge of the dance floor.

  “Wait!” I protested and kicked off my heels before returning to his hold.

  He laughed. “I like what you did back there,” he said, dipping low and talking against my ear.

  I stretched up a little and pressed closer against him. The gold silk tie he was wearing brushed against my skin. “I know he’s nervous about the draft.”

  Romeo nodded. “Yeah. He’s gonna be fine, though, baby. He’s a good player. He’s gotten better in the last year.”

  “Think he’ll make it to the Knights?”

  “I sure as hell hope so.” It sounded like a prayer. But then he gazed down at me. “You’re handling the press like a pro tonight.”

  “It’ll take some getting used to. But it’s not all bad. Especially if it helps B.”

  “I love you,” he said soft.

  My fingers played with the ends of the hair brushing against the collar of his jacket. “Love you.” I laid my head against his chest and let him support most of my weight. The song playing was beautiful, something I’d never heard before.

  My eyes drifted closed, and I exhaled. The night would be winding down soon. We still had a few hours left. I was sure. We’d need to stay and see everyone off, but for the most part, the night was almost over.

  Valerie definitely knew how to host a party, and it convinced me more I should let her handle the entire wedding. April third was coming fast, and I knew if anyone could pull off an amazing wedding, it was her.

  As I melted into my husband (who everyone thought was my fiancé) the air in the room shifted and became charged with a feeling that up until now had been absent.


  A few murmurs moved through the crowd.

  Romeo stiffened.

  “His son was the one who attacked Romeo and Rimmel,” someone whispered.

  In an instant, I pulled back from Romeo’s arms and craned my neck, looking around. Romeo made a sound in the back of his throat. “Oh, hells no,” he growled.

  “I’ve come to congratulate the happy couple!” a man yelled. “No thanks to them, my son will never see an occasion such as this!”