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#HookUp Page 2

  She turned back to her books and started unpacking them all, placing them on the shelves above the desk beside her bed.

  She didn’t seem bad for a roommate. I could have been assigned one that was much worse. But she definitely didn’t seem like the type that was going to be a fast friend.

  I kinda wondered if she would ever be a friend at all.

  # # #


  She was a talker. Bubbly, sunny, and all-around chatty.

  We were complete opposites. But she did seem nice, definitely not judgmental or stuck-up like a lot of the girls I’d met.

  She even told me I was pretty, which was arguably the nicest thing anyone had said to me on this campus so far. Aside from my previous professors of course.

  It worried me that she liked to party and was probably part of the “in” crowd. Of course, that might have been a good thing. She probably wouldn’t spend much time in the room because of her social life, so I would have it to myself a lot.

  And my goodness did the girl have a ton of clothes. It was like a freaking department store on her side of the room. She had so much she used some of my drawers on my side.

  Not that I cared. I barely had any at all.

  “Hey,” Ivy said after a remarkably long silence, not talking about campus, classes, the food court, the party tonight, and literally everything else that popped into her head. “I’m gonna go grab some bottled water and a few things for the mini fridge. Wanna come?”

  “You have a car?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. If you ever need a ride anywhere, let me know.”

  “Thanks,” I said. She really was being nice. “But no, I’m going to head over to the bookstore. I can give you some money for the supplies, though. Go half with you.”

  “Nah.” She waved me off. “I got it this time. You can come with next time and help pay.”


  She was on her phone, her fingers flying over it rapidly. A few moments later, it made a sound like she got a text.

  “I’m meeting Missy downstairs. She needs stuff, too. I’ll introduce you later.”

  When she was gone, I sat on the bed with an exhale. I didn’t have any friends. I had no idea how to even make one. It was easier for me to connect to animals. Animals just seemed so much simpler to understand.

  I finished unpacking completely and went and bought all my books before Ivy came back. Once everything she’d bought was put away, she started riffling through all her clothes to find something to wear to the party.

  I thought she looked good in the skinny jeans and loose-fitting top, but when I said that, she laughed and said it wasn’t party clothes.

  A short while later, there was a knock on our door. I looked up from the book I was reading—well, trying to read (did I mention she liked to talk?)—and watched Ivy bounce over and open up the door.

  “Heeyyy,” she sang. Her shiny blond hair was long and bounced around when she moved. Ivy was really pretty. She had a nice womanly shape (as opposed to my boy-like one), manageable hair the color of sun, and wide blue eyes that saw without the aid of glasses.

  She was dressed in a pair of skintight dark-wash jeans with rips in the knees, dark-brown boots with wedge heels, and a low-cut navy-blue blouse with an embroidered white design around the hem.

  “Hey,” an unfamiliar voice replied. “I love those jeans.”

  “Thanks. They’re new.”

  The girls came into the room, and I glanced behind Ivy at who I assumed was her friend Missy. She was gorgeous. Like she could be in magazines. Her long, dark hair was sleek and shiny, her features balanced, and her skin was so smooth it almost looked unreal. She was thin and graceful, not too short, but not really too tall either. And her eyes were a beautiful shade of gray.

  “Missy, this is my roommate Rimmel.” Ivy began. “Rimmel, this is Missy.”

  “Hi,” I said, giving her a small wave and mustering up a smile I hoped didn’t look awkward.

  “Hey,” she replied. Her voice was friendly, and she smiled, but almost as soon as she looked at me, I saw the assessment in her gaze before she looked away.

  It was the same look I’d been given a thousand times before. The same reason I didn’t bother making friends. It made me feel like I’d been given a test I hadn’t studied for and therefore failed. Ivy turned away to grab her cell phone and slide a few things in the back pocket of her jeans.

  “I really like your bedspread,” Missy told me with genuine kindness in her tone.

  “Thanks,” I said, then wondered if perhaps I’d just been too fast in assuming she didn’t like me.

  “You comin’ with tonight?”

  I shook my head. “No. Parties aren’t really my thing.”

  “I told her to come!” Ivy piped in.

  “Maybe next time?” Missy asked.

  “Maybe,” I echoed, even though I knew I’d never.

  “Okay, well, we’re going. Don’t wait up!” Ivy wiggled her fingers at me, and I smiled.

  When she was gone, I looked over at her side of the room at all her colorful clothes and decorations. As far as roommates went, I guessed I could do a lot worse.

  # # #


  Technically, the semester hadn’t started yet, but the big open field where everyone partied was full of people. I wouldn’t be surprised if people came back early just so they could party.

  I parked on the edge of the dirt road beside some tall grass, and we walked over to where everyone had gathered. There was no big bonfire tonight like there usually was during football season. It was a little early for that.

  But some of the guys here had their trucks pulled up close to the clearing and their headlights were on, illuminating the darkness.

  Someone had loud music pumping through their speakers, and people were dancing, laughing, and drinking all over the place.

  Missy and I found the drinks, helped ourselves, and then went around mingling with some of the familiar faces and checking out the new ones.

  On the other side of the field was a large group of guys, all huge and all loud. I knew immediately it was the Wolves. Alpha University was serious about their football, and those players were like celebrities around campus.

  My eyes scanned the group for one player in particular, the quarterback, Romeo. He was basically the alpha of the pack. He was tall, blond, and had a set of blue eyes that made every single girl on campus swoon.

  To say he was popular would be an understatement.

  He was the king of the status pyramid. If you were in with Romeo, then you were in with everyone. Period.

  Maybe that’s why I sought him out. That kind of power was attractive, but it was also noteworthy. Watching to see what he was up to was just natural curiosity.

  He was easy to spot. His blond hair was like a beacon against the dark night. Of course, people surrounded him, and he laughed at whatever the dude beside him was saying. Romeo was also a big player. There wasn’t a girl on campus who’d managed to hold his attention for more than a few days.

  Honestly, I never tried. I’d thought about it. Like I said, being in with him would basically make sure I was in with everyone. But something held me back. Maybe it was because I knew Romeo wasn’t the guy for me.

  Or maybe it was because I hadn’t had enough to drink yet.

  As I sipped at the beer in my hand, my eyes slid to Braeden, Romeo’s partner in crime. Those two were always together, completely attached at the hip. It was kinda adorable.

  Every party one was at last year, the other one was, too. I guess the same could be said about Missy and me, but my friendship with her was only a year old. The one between Romeo and Braeden was clearly a lot more cemented than that.

  Braeden was a dog. Worse than Romeo. He was forever cracking some kind of lame joke, and he hit on everything with boobs that walked by.

  He was good-looking, though. I’d never admit it out loud, but he was more my type than Romeo. I liked Braeden’s dark looks. His
dark hair and eyes gave him a little more of a brooding quality. But when he smiled—which he did a lot because the guy thought he was hilarious—it transformed that brooding air into an ornery troublemaker.

  I’d never admit this out loud either, but he was kinda charming.

  “He’s so hot.” Missy sighed.

  I followed her gaze back to the same place I was looking. “Romeo?” I asked.

  “Yeah, him, too.”

  I glanced at her, and we both laughed.

  “Come on,” she said. “Let’s go dance.”

  I downed the rest of my beer on the way to the dance floor, and I lost myself in the music and fun. Guys came and went. I danced with a lot of them. One even stole a kiss before I laughed and pulled away.

  Hours passed, and the beer flowed. My feet were hurting from all the fun when I finally announced I was ready to go.

  Missy drove my car back to the dorm. She was the DD tonight, because after just two drinks, it became clear that a summer without drinking at all had lowered my tolerance.

  When I finally let myself in the dorm, it was after two a.m. I’d forgotten I had stuff still piled on my side of the room, and I tripped over it and hit my knee on the bed.

  “Oww!” I howled.

  A startled, muffled yell came from the other side of the room, and a small light clicked on.

  I giggled when Rimmel blinked at me. Her hair was wild. “Sorry, Rimmel. I forgot about all this stuff.”

  “Are you just getting in?” she asked, squinting at the clock beside her bed, trying to read it without her glasses.

  “Yeah.” I laughed. I knew I was still buzzed, but I couldn’t keep from acting like it. “You missed a good party.”

  “Are you drunk?” she asked.

  “Who me?” I pointed to myself. “Nah.”

  Rimmel giggled and pointed at my bed. “Better lie down before you hurt yourself.”

  “Good idea,” I said and dropped on the bed.

  “Might want to take off those heels.”

  “My feet do hurt,” I said, and I started to pull them off. It took forever and I almost gave up.

  Finally, when they were gone, I quickly exchanged my clothes for a set of super cute pink pajamas and used a wipe to remove all my makeup. Sleeping in makeup was a big skin no-no. I might have been tipsy, but I wasn’t so drunk I would neglect my skin care.

  “Ivy?” Rimmel asked from somewhere in the pile of blankets on her bed.


  “Did you drive tonight?”

  “Missy drove us back. She was the DD.”

  “Oh, that’s good. I’m glad.”

  I finished up and poured myself into bed and sighed.

  Rimmel reached up and turned off the light, the room sinking into blissful darkness.

  “I better not be hung-over tomorrow,” I muttered.

  Rimmel’s laugh floated over to my side.

  A few minutes later, Rimmel’s voice filled the darkness. I was surprised she was talking to me again. She was usually pretty quiet. “Ivy, if you ever go to a party and need a ride home, you can call me. I don’t have a car, but I’ll figure something out.”

  “You’d do that?”


  “Wow. You’re a good friend,” I said and snuggled down into the pillows.

  Rimmel didn’t say anything at all.

  When I was drifting off to sleep, I thought I heard her speak again, but maybe it was the beer.

  “This is definitely going to be an interesting year,” she whispered.

  My last thought before falling asleep was, I agree.

  # # #

  Hashtag Series Bonus Scene #2

  Starring Romeo & Rimmel

  by Cambria Hebert

  This scene takes place right before the start of #Poser (Hashtag book #5)

  *previously published in the #Nerd hardback edition


  “I’ll take it.” I was standing on the freshly manicured lawn, staring up at the two-story, four-bedroom house.

  It was a nice place. Actually, it was better than nice. It was in one of the best neighborhoods in this town and, despite being an older home, was newly redone.

  I wasn’t about to rent anything less than this for the most important person in my life to live in.

  Beside me, the real estate agent tried to hide her excitement. “That’s wonderful, Mr. Anderson. I’m so thrilled I could help you find something so quickly.”

  I turned toward her and gave her my full smile. “You’re good at your job.”

  In reality, I knew exactly what I wanted and had said as much before I even got in her car. I was working against a ticking clock. I didn’t have time to tour half the town.

  The first place she showed me was in the wrong neighborhood, and it didn’t have an alarm system.

  The second place didn’t have a garage.

  When we got in the car again, I told her to take me to the Palisades and show me something worth my time.

  “But the price…” she said, like Rimmel’s safety, my entire family’s safety, could have a price tag on it.

  She didn’t even finish the sentence because the look on my face said it all.

  I might be good-looking and laidback, but I knew how to convey what I wanted with a single glance.

  She cleared her throat and drove straight here.

  The second I walked through the wide yellow front door, saw the dark hardwood floors, light-painted walls, open concept, and spacious bedrooms, I knew I’d found the one.

  It also helped that it had a fenced-in backyard, a garage, and a new security system. I could almost picture Murphy perched on the black granite island, waiting for a barefooted Rim to hand him a pile of treats.

  Beside me, the real estate agent blushed under the effects of my praise.

  Nah. It was my smile that had her all flustered.

  “Now we can set an appointment to go over the application, sign the papers, and of course, the first and last month will be due,” she rushed out.

  I lifted my hand and cut her off. “I’m ready to sign now. I’ll go back to your office with you.”

  “But I’ll need to call the homeowner and—”

  Again, I held up my hand. “Of course,” I replied smoothly. “I’ll get on the line and introduce myself, let him know I need to get this done quickly, as I’ll be leaving for camp for the Knights.”

  She nodded with wide eyes. I gave her another smile, and she practically giggled.

  “I’m sure once he hears I’ll cut him a check for the first year’s rent, in full, this afternoon, he will accommodate the quick timeline.”

  “The full year…” Her voice trailed.

  I smiled even wider.

  A few hours later, all the papers were signed, the rent was taken care of, and the homeowner authorized me to take possession of the property immediately.

  And that’s how you get shit done.

  Well, maybe not you.

  But that’s how I did.

  I walked out of the office feeling pretty damn pleased with myself. When I climbed in the Hellcat and fired up the engine, I tossed the paperwork on the empty seat beside me and thought about how to tell Rim.

  When I’d told her I had stuff to do today, I knew she would never have guessed I’d be going out house hunting.

  A little of the confidence I felt wavered.

  She wasn’t going to like this.

  Not at first anyway.

  I found it cute as hell and sort of charming that Rim wasn’t affected by my charisma and megawatt smile like everyone else… except, of course, when I needed to get what I wanted.

  Convincing her to move in with me on a permanent basis was an occasion I coulda used some of my manly goods for coercion.

  But it wasn’t going to be easy.

  I smiled and threw the Cat into reverse.

  That’s okay. I liked a challenge.

  # # #


  Romeo was up t
o something.

  I knew it as sure as I knew my own name.

  I was standing in the small storage room at the shelter, taking stock of supplies, when I felt his familiar body conform to mine.

  His clean scent enveloped me as his arms wound around my waist, and I melted farther against him, surrendering all my weight.

  A low sound filled the enclosed space as his lips gently sucked my earlobe into his mouth. His teeth pulled gently and then released to press moist, soft kisses in the same spot.

  Goose bumps broke out all over my body as he nuzzled into my neck, bending so his body hunched around mine, completely overtaking me.

  With a heavy sigh, my head fell to the side, granting him all the access he needed to continue teasing my flesh in the most seductive way.

  “Come here often?” he purred against my ear, and I shivered when his hot breath tickled the flesh he’d already teased.

  I wanted to laugh, but it came out more of a groan. “I will if this is what happens when I do.”

  His deep chuckle vibrated against my back. I lifted one arm and curved it around his neck, letting my fingers play in the ends of his hair. Keeping my back against his front, I looked up so he could cover my mouth with his.

  The angle of our bodies and faces should have made the kiss difficult.

  But I’d never had a kiss that was anything less than bliss with Romeo.

  Our bodies fit together perfectly. It didn’t matter where we stood or how awkward the position. His tongue slid out almost instantly and brushed against my upper lip. I opened for him, and it delved farther in, coaxing mine out to play.

  My fingers tightened against the back of his neck and I pulled him down farther. We kissed for long moments more, barely surfacing for air before he pulled back enough to lick across my lips one final time.

  “Hey, baby,” Romeo greeted, a lopsided smirk curving the lips I was just devouring.


  He lowered his head to kiss me again.

  “You finished all your stuff?” I asked after our lips touched. What stuff he was out doing all morning I didn’t know. He was being all secretive like.

  Hence, I knew he was up to something.