Avalanche Read online

Page 14

  I drew in a shaky breath as my back hit the wall. Liam curved his arms around me so I wasn’t leaning against the wall, but I was pressed against his chest and leaning into him.

  “It isn’t that I don’t want to see you, sweetheart. It’s that I’m genuinely afraid that when I do, I won’t be able to control myself.”

  My nipples were hard. My panties, which had started to dry, were slick again. His voice was like a damn aphrodisiac.

  I shifted, brushing my erect nipples against his chest. A small sound broke from between my lips. He hands flexed against my back.

  “So you want me?” I whispered.

  He laughed, a rich, throaty sound. “You have no fucking idea how much.”

  “I think I might,” I whispered.

  Liam lifted me just like he had when he first came in the room. My legs wound around his waist and my back hit the wall. Using his hips to pin me in place, he moved back so he could stare down my body with heated eyes.

  A flush bloomed across me, and my head hit the wall.

  Liam lifted his hand, allowing it to hover over my breast, and looked into my eyes.

  I nodded.

  His hand covered me instantly, completely cupping the soft mound. His palm rubbed over the nipple, and I sighed. He stroked and massaged my breast before moving to the other one. I began to pant and move against him restlessly.

  He whispered my name and lowered his head. I gasped on first contact, the way his warm mouth surrounded my nipple. He sucked and teased until I was straining against the wall. Chuckling, he pushed me back and went at the other breast.

  My skin was taut and throbbing. Between my legs, I was dripping. Tingles of pain shot down from my chest and ended in my core.

  I rocked against him, agitated and not really even realizing why.

  Liam drew back. His lips were slick and his eyes were heavy. I shoved off the wall and kissed him passionately. I could feel his rigid length straining to get closer, and I tried to move down so I could match up my body with his.

  He made a sound and pulled me back up. I whimpered.

  He chuckled. “We don’t have time for that right now,” he murmured, kissing me again.

  “You started it,” I grumped.

  “And I’m going to finish it.”

  My back hit the bed, and a pillow was pushed beneath my head. Liam grabbed another pillow and pushed it beneath my butt, angling my hips up. As he lowered beside me, his lips sucked my breast into his mouth again, and I spasmed up off the bed.

  He pushed me down, still sucking as his hand trailed down my body toward my panties.

  I titled up toward his hand, giving an answer before he even asked.

  He laughed low and moved on to my other breast, delving his hand below the only fabric on my body.

  I bit into my lower lip to keep from crying out as my hand found the back of his head and held him to my breast.

  Liam’s finger flicked over the swollen, sensitive bud, and my legs began to tremble. He made a sound, lifting his head. I glanced at him, not really seeing.

  A finger slid inside me, and my eyes slid closed. He began moving in and out, occasionally twirling his finger around my clit. The sounds I made were unavoidable. It felt as if I’d lost all control of my own body, my own senses.

  Liam was in control now… and he was a very good driver.

  He moved up my body a little, his weight settling a little more into my side. Two fingers slid into me, and his lips latched onto mine.

  I cried out when he pushed his fingers deep and did something inside me, something that made me cry out again.

  Liam swirled his tongue in my mouth, using his thumb to press down on my bud, and did that thing with his fingers again.

  I shattered beneath him. I broke into a million pieces, and it had never felt so good.

  I cried out his name, and he swallowed the sound. He kept touching, milking more out of my body, and the tremors went on and on.

  Eventually, I fell back, completely boneless, completely awed.

  Liam gently withdrew his fingers and stroked my core over my panties for a few minutes before pulling away.

  Cracking one eye open, I glanced up, and he chuckled. “Feel better?”

  I made a sound.

  He kissed me again, letting his tongue linger inside my mouth. When he sat up, I stared at his body, at the way his hair was mussed from my hands and his cheeks were flushed.

  God. He’d been so beautiful at seventeen.

  Now he was just devastating.

  He was chiseled and honed. He looked rugged from all the outdoor sports and slightly rough around the edges from experience.

  I loved him.

  I never stopped.

  I never would.

  “Hey,” I murmured, stroking his back.

  He glanced around. I pushed up, climbing around him and into his lap, letting my legs fall on either side of his hips.

  His erection was still going strong. Boldly, I brushed my hand against it. He stiffened, and a hiss came out of his mouth.

  “That looks painful.”

  He caught my hand. “You don’t have to.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “What if I want to?”

  His eyes searched mine.

  “Are you going to tell me no, Liam?”

  He surrendered before he could even say the words.

  I pushed against his shoulders, forcing him back against the bed. Pushing the shirt up on his stomach, I licked across his defined abs and inhaled the fresh scent of his skin.

  “You smell like snow.”

  “That’s because I live in it.”

  “I like it.”

  He made a sound, and I licked down his stomach again.

  It took a minute to work his jeans down over his pulsating erection, but I did it and managed to sneak in some teasing caresses. Before pulling his boxers down, I rubbed up his length and grabbed on to give it a squeeze.

  Liam seized the pillow and pulled over his face to muffle the sound that escaped him. I had to admit… knowing his face was covered made me a little bolder.

  Before he tossed aside the pillow, I pulled down the waistband and licked over his tip.

  He shuddered, and his hips rose off the bed.

  I licked him again, then sucked just his head into my mouth. More sounds were muffled by the pillow, and I smiled.

  Once all the fabric was gone, I lifted his thick cock off his body and began pumping it as I drew one ball into my mouth, then the other.

  Even though I wanted to play and taunt him, I was too impatient.

  Instead, I perched above him, held up his rod, and slid my mouth down over it. His silky flesh glided over my lips and into my mouth so easily. He moaned, and I sucked deeper, taking him until his tip hit the back of my throat. I repeated the action over and over until he strained upward.

  Changing course, I pulled the tip into my mouth and sucked, using my hand to pump him. His salty flavor coated my tongue, and I wanted more.

  I began sucking deeper and faster.

  His hand dug into my shoulder and then tightened more. I heard the pillow slap against the headboard when he tossed it away.

  “I can’t hold it anymore,” he ground out.

  I sucked deeper.

  “Fuuuck,” he swore and began to pulse, emptying into my mouth.

  I swallowed his pleasure, gentling my mouth, but not yet willing to let go.

  His hand fell away from me. His body melted into the mattress. I lifted my face but gave him a final stroke with my hand.

  “Come here,” he growled, pitching upward and dragging me up his body.

  He kissed me deep, not caring a bit I still tasted like him. He kissed me until I ripped my mouth away and gasped for breath.

  “I fucking needed that.” He groaned.

  I ran my fingers through his hair. “You should have just said so.”

  He made a rude sound. “I was trying to do the right thing.”

  “Feels pretty r
ight to me,” I whispered, lying against his chest.

  “You’re damn right it does.”

  After a moment, he got up, pulling me with him. “C’mon. I need to be downstairs.”

  I grimaced and adjusted my still soaked panties. “Think you could take me shopping in town? I need some clothes.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll take you later today.”

  After I pulled on the jeans and sweater, I pulled my hair into a messy knot on my head. I needed hair products, too. I was all about the natural look, but I drew the line at cavewoman status.

  “Bells.” He took my hand, drawing me around. Cupping my face, he gazed into my eyes. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  “You didn’t. I just… My feelings were hurt.”

  “Yeah, because I fucking hurt them.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t want people to think of me like that… I—” My voice faltered.

  “What, sweetheart?”

  “I want people to know you mean a lot to me. That I would never use you.” My eyes stared into his. “You know that, don’t you?”

  He made a sound and drew me to him. Hugging me close, he spoke above my head. “I know.”

  “Please take the money, Liam.”

  “I don’t want your money.”

  “It’s important to me.”

  He cursed, and I smiled into his chest.

  “No one thinks of you like that,” he said, pulling away.

  “How do you know?”

  His eyes narrowed and flashed like steel. “Because if anyone said anything remotely close to that, I’d fire them and make sure they didn’t work in this town again.”

  I shivered because I knew he had the power to do it.

  “Besides…” He went on more casually, his usual charming self. “Everyone likes you.”

  “They do?”

  “Of course. C’mon.” He held out his hand, and I surrendered mine. Before he could pull me away, I swiped up the money and handed it to him.

  He made a face, sort of like he just ate something rotten. “Half?”

  It seemed it was all I’d get him to agree to, so I gave him half the amount and then pushed the rest into the pocket of my jeans.

  It wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but it was something.

  He glanced at his watch before closing the door behind me and Charlie. “We have just enough time for the stop I need to make before we head outside.”

  “What stop?” I asked.

  “You’ll see.”


  Bellamy thought people thought she was a hooker.

  I was taking care of this shit right now.

  That cockamamie idea never even occurred to me because it was fucking ridiculous. But now the thought was out there. I saw the pain in her eyes.

  Sure, people were talking. I’d been seen with her since she got here. I very rarely was seen with the same girl more than twice. Alex accepted her, too, something else I was sure had tongues wagging. Lunch with the same girl and my best friend?

  They were probably already planning the giant town wedding.

  Jesus A. Christ.

  I never worried about what other people thought before. Quite frankly, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass now if it was me they were thinking and talking about. But it wasn’t just me now.

  There was Bellamy.

  And I was going to make it abundantly clear exactly what was going on and exactly the kind of respect everyone would damn well show.

  Down in the lodge, I crooked my finger at the couple employees who were bypassing us down the hall. Their smiles turned wary, but they reversed direction and followed me anyway.

  Bellamy gave me an odd look, but I ignored her.

  At the front desk, the attendants stood a little straighter as I approached. “Liam?” the girl to the right said.

  I made a motion with my finger. “Round up the staff. The ones around anyway. I want a word.”

  Bells gasped. “What are you doing?”

  I lifted an eyebrow and said, “Setting the record straight.”

  “Oh my God!” she hissed. “This is not what I wanted.”

  I grunted. “It’s what I want. I insist.”

  She turned to the employees behind me. “I am so sorry. Just go back to work.”

  “They don’t work for you, sweetheart,” I said gently. I’d already made her cry once today. That was pretty much my lifetime limit.

  The man standing there nodded at her apologetically.

  She groaned.

  Once the girl behind the counter hung up the phone, she discreetly nodded toward me. A couple were coming in the front, luggage behind them. I pointed to Kenny. “Stay here and man the front. Shelby can fill you in after.”

  “Yes, sir,” he said, glancing at Bellamy.

  I had to hold back a snap ordering him not to look at her. It was irrational, but Kenny needed to keep his eyes in his head.

  Clearly, after what happened upstairs in the bedroom, the possessiveness inside me was making me downright beastly.

  Back behind the front desk was a room where guest mail came, an extra computer was hooked up, etc. Behind that room was a breakroom for the employees. Out in the hall, I opened the door and motioned for the few people following to go ahead. Once they were inside, I glanced down at Bellamy.

  She narrowed her eyes as if issuing a warning.

  I kissed her.

  Inside the room, about twelve employees stood around, including the bartender and Sharon. It was a very small fraction of the people who worked here, but it was enough to send word spreading through the resort like wildfire.

  I closed the door behind us and let go of Bellamy’s hand.

  Stepping forward, I cleared my throat. Everyone waited quietly, sort of warily. “Relax, guys,” I said, offering a smile. “It’s not like I’m lining up a firing squad.”

  “You don’t normally call meetings,” someone said.

  “You never do.” Someone else piped up.

  “Just let him speak.” Sharon shushed everyone.

  I gave her a grateful smile.

  “I just wanted to address all the talk going around about Bellamy here.” I gestured to Bells. She turned as red as a tomato. “I know everyone is talking.”

  A few people looked embarrassed, a few intrigued.

  “In case anyone is wondering, Bellamy is my girlfriend. Her room is under my name here out of respect for her privacy. She’s still paying all the bills, and I hope you all treat her as a guest, because that’s what she is.”

  “Of course.” Sharon nodded.

  Someone in the back raised their hand. I had to hide a snicker. I felt like a teacher. “Yeah?”

  “With all due respect, you’ve never had a girlfriend.”

  I shifted so I could stare at the woman speaking. “Just because you say with all due respect doesn’t mean you can ask whatever you want.”

  She flushed.

  People glanced around uncomfortably.

  Bellamy stepped up beside me and smacked me in the stomach. “You called a meeting to make some announcement, and then you wonder why people are curious. Don’t be a turd.”

  A few laughs turned into coughs.

  Sharon just outright laughed. “I like her.”

  “Fine,” I muttered, then offered the girl a smile. She relaxed and smiled back.

  “You’re right. I’ve never brought a girlfriend around here before. I’ve known Bellamy for years. She’s not someone who just showed up and now we’re together. It’s been a long time coming.”

  People turned curious glances to her. It was the truth. Plus, it would take some more suspicion off her. People didn’t need to know she ran off eight years ago and I let her. Let them think I’d met her during my time away as a pro snowboarder. Yeah, there had been flings since I’d been home, but that was none of their damn business.

  “Anyway, the point is Bellamy is part of the BearPaw family now. She’s my family now. You all know how much my father
and I value respect and loyalty. That now extends to her. If anyone has a problem with that, you can see HR and pick up your last check.”

  Bellamy squirmed uncomfortably. She was just going to have to be uncomfortable because I meant this.

  Sharon was the first to step forward. She reached out her hand, introduced herself, and then pulled Bellamy into a hug. At first, my girl was surprised, but then she hugged her back.

  A few more people came to introduce themselves, and then I told everyone to get back to work, only after telling them to let their fellow employees know.

  The door was barely shut behind the last person when Bellamy swung on me. Her hands fisted on her hips, and the look on her face was fiery. “What the hell did you just do?”

  My reply was mild. “I made sure everyone knows you aren’t just some girl.”

  “You announced that I’m your girlfriend!”

  “You don’t want to be?”

  “You don’t announce it first and then ask after!”

  “That wasn’t a no.”

  She tossed her hands up in the air. “You are impossible!”

  I started toward her, but she held her hands out, palms up. “Oh, no you don’t. Keep your magic paws off me!”

  I bit back a smile. “Now why would you want me to do that?”

  “‘Cause I can’t breathe or think when you touch me!”

  I opened my mouth, but she made a sound. “No trying to charm me either, mister.”

  I closed my mouth and stared at her. She was pretty cute.

  “I’ve barely been here a week. A week, Liam! Now you go and tell everyone we’re together… that we’re… we’re family.”

  “You are my family,” I said quietly. “That won’t ever change.”

  She groaned. “Liam.”

  “That’s all it took last time. One week.”

  “We’re adults now.”

  “We still have the same hearts.”

  “My life is complicated.”

  “I don’t care.”

  With every rebuttal I made, I took a step forward. I don’t think she realized I was getting closer; she was too busy spazzing out.

  She stopped pacing and looked at me. “If you knew, you would care.”

  “Then tell me.”